Exchange CryptoStrike

Rate count:
Advanced Cash TS: 215
Perfect Money TS: 656
Aleksandr - 12/2/2022 - 94.73.251.* - bestchange
Good exchange, very fast. USDT->Tinkoff.
Rick - 11/20/2022 - 92.223.89.* - bestchange
Changed XMR to Solana. No KYC, no problems.
Ivan - 11/10/2022 - 5.28.103.* - bestchange
Everything was good. I changed visa/rub - tether (trx) without any problems.5 minutes and I got my crypto.Service support works fast.
Im recommending this exchanger.
Alexander Pivovarov - 11/7/2022 - 73.63.132.* - bestchange
Fast exchange for SBER-to-USDT(BEP20). USDT were received in 5 min.
Andrey - 10/25/2022 - 185.138.119.* - bestchange
This is the only service from the list that perfectly works with virtual cards. Great service !
Muhammad Usman - 8/22/2022 - 119.160.56.* - bestchange
Very fast and smooth .but I didn't get any email confirmation.Any email about my order .Any way service is very efficient
Adifizi - 7/30/2022 - 115.164.203.* - bestchange
Trust me..Everything is exchange very quickly,clear and simple.nice exchanger.thank you cryptostrike.
Zeraldo - 2/24/2022 - 105.168.171.* - bestchange
So far they have my money, they said 24 but it's already gone. Interfere for me, please bestchanger.
I do not see which wallet does not have a service channel. I need the money because it's not mine. they don't give a time frame of when it will actually be resolved. I need the deadline, because I already waited 24 hours and nothing
Zeraldo - 2/24/2022 - 105.172.210.* - bestchange
I placed an order today for busd bep20 - advcash and they say they cannot process the order and that I should wait for my money in 24 hours or maybe more. I need my money today and right now, it's urgent. I can't wait more than 24 hours, there's no way. I need the usd on advcash today
Sakchai Puewkum - 2/24/2022 - 49.237.22.* - bestchange
Everything looks ok, good luck everyone.