Exchange Bitcoin24SU

Rate count:
Advanced Cash TS: 0
Perfect Money TS: 0
Maksim - 1/16/2023 - 2.49.84.* - bestchange
AML bot detected suspicious transaction. Wait for the case been resolved.
Dmitrii - 2/24/2023 - 5.61.61.* - bestchange
Very unpleased with this exchange - it gives best rate then it rapidly decreases it even though the real exchange course is not the same.
Avoid in the future
Maksim - 2/24/2023 - 92.98.232.* - bestchange
Good afternoon!
My money were frozen on the 16th January 2023.
This exchanger says that AML bot detected high risk of suspicious transaction. I checked the risk- it is around 7% of the crypto wallet. Moreover, I tried to exchange in another exchanger, and it worked without problems. I believe the exchanger just robbed my money and I need the refund in the full amount.
Dear Bestchange Team, kindly resolve the situation.