Exchange YChanger

Rate count:
Advanced Cash TS: 45
Perfect Money TS: 298
Dmitry - 1/18/2023 - 86.49.231.* - bestchange
Quick and fast exchange from Qiwi to USDT in less than in 2 minutes
Jhon - 4/24/2022 - 198.13.36.* - bestchange
I mistakenly created a USDT-XMR exchange, but sent USDP to their USDT wallet number. That was totally my mistake. However, the support service was able to help me quickly and sent the funds in the currency I needed. Thank you so much!
Talal Tariq - 8/19/2021 - 103.7.63.* - bestchange
Quick n fast
Hk - 11/19/2021 - 175.136.100.* - bestchange
Fast and reliable exchange.
Mohamed - 10/13/2021 - 84.2.13.* - bestchange
Btc to Mastercard ....Thanks
Perseus - 8/30/2021 - 185.43.189.* - bestchange
Such a good site, I sent them my 100$ I trusted them and they exchanged it into Master card USD, u can trust and use this site.
Perseus - 8/18/2021 - 185.43.189.* - bestchange
Such a good site. I exchanged my 33$ ltc for 31$ Master Card USD, the fees/taxes are so low. I checked all sites and this one is the best among others. Don't even think. Just use it to exchang eyour money. ^-^
ElasticPlastic - 8/19/2021 - 89.38.99.* - bestchange
Very fast! Easy to use. XMR -> YooMoney less than 15 min.
Ricardo Santos - 8/19/2021 - 85.247.107.* - bestchange
Good support service. Dogecoin to Visa/MC EUR. There are always some problems with some cards, but I think it's because of the banks involved. Never were able to transfer to my VISA, but went everything Ok with Master Card. It's always hard to know if your card is prepared to receive funds... The important here is that they worked hard to solve the first problems...
Thomas - 8/19/2021 - 80.5.151.* - bestchange
Used the service for swapping the eth to bnb. After 25 confirmations, the status of the order didn't change. I went to write to the live chat to find out what's going on with the order. A guy answered to me saying that the order is processing and I need to wait 5 - 15 min. I waited the time, after successful trade I got a message on their website that the order was completed. Than I went to check my wallet if I have received the money and what was my surprise when I saw nothing. Went back to the live chat, and they said they went to swap it which could take from several minutes to several hours. Don't be fool to swap here, as the lie about the timing of the swap.