Exchange BtcBit

Rate count:
Advanced Cash TS: 1
Perfect Money TS: 0
Vasilina - 11/1/2022 - 46.223.163.* - bestchange
Very reliable platform, never had any problems, fast and clear support responses
Btc - 11/2/2022 - 138.199.36.* - bestchange
Stable and trustworthy exchanger, working with BTCbit more than 6 months already.
Reviewer - 10/25/2022 - 31.44.97.* - bestchange
Awesome work, highly recommended. BTC > Sepa exchange every time is very fast.
Kyryl Shcherbyna - 10/25/2022 - 176.241.155.* - bestchange
Do not work with ua cards and Ukrainian hryvnya
Trysoon - 7/26/2022 - 46.211.68.* - bestchange
So today I will check this exchanging website, and show how it works for a large audience, I think if everything will be good, you will get at least 10 thousand new customers, but if not, I think a million people can visit your offices in Krakow and Talinn
Artur - 7/26/2022 - 37.233.12.* - bestchange
Great Service. Thank you.
Noname - 7/11/2022 - 194.32.122.* - bestchange
Superior support, fast BTC>EUR(Sepa) exchange! Recommended!
Ma - 7/1/2022 - 102.164.181.* - bestchange
This is the first time of all my entire life my account is verified and then they come back to say no it's unverified finally we rejected the selfie do another. This is just ridiculous and unrespectful. An account is verified once not several times. You do not respect your customers and does not respect your business too. I have never seen this before some hours earlier my account is verified and now you write an email back saying it was verified but we decided to require another selfie after all. What is this? Why best exchange are leading us to these kind of exchangers that ever do not know how to process a valid KYC. This is disgusting I'm disappointed I think you guys do not deserve it at all.
Now i provided another selfie . they still pursue me and require the picture of all my visa card front and back. why asking this what is this . I think you should take your reponsiblity and clean the list of exchanger from these kind of exchangers. every transaction they require card verification and take 7 dollars for free and they never refund this money . take actions against these guys before it's too late I highly require your look clostly into their way of doing business the sonnest possible . please customers if you want please of mind go elsewhere
Nataliya - 7/1/2022 - 185.12.142.* - bestchange
BTC > mastercard transaction was fast and easy
Anton - 7/1/2022 - 94.154.215.* - bestchange
Strongly don't recommend use this exchanger if you need your money. I think it's scammers. They say they did payment and it's impossible to do money return but they didn't have payment invoice. My money is somewhere, nobody knows where.