Exchange BitHunter

Rate count:
Advanced Cash TS: 1
Perfect Money TS: 148
Redvard - 8/22/2022 - 46.2.238.* - bestchange
Bought 9.1 XMR. It's 1.5 hours past, but still no traces of any incoming transaction in my XMR wallet (status on exchange's site was "completed" more than hour ago). Usually with other exchanges money come within 20 min. Tech support still haven't answer
Zhan - 8/22/2022 - 94.123.200.* - bestchange
Great service! I constantly use their services, I never had any problems
Leo - 8/22/2022 - 185.220.101.* - bestchange
Great service. Exchanged ETH to Sberbank. Was complited in 5 mins
SnS - 8/22/2022 - 39.33.212.* - bestchange
Quick, Reliable and Automatic Exchange.
Xrp to PM
Hr - 5/12/2021 - 103.139.9.* - bestchange
I am exchange XLM to PM before 20 hours ago. But still now not receive my PM. No live chat, no email reply.
Very bad site.
I don't know when i get my balance.
Crypchi - 11/21/2020 - 94.237.124.* - bestchange
Good exchange. fast and automatic.
$469.61 perfect money to 1.1 ETH.
Crypchi - 11/17/2020 - 94.237.124.* - bestchange
Fast and safe!
108.24 Perfect Money to 29999.99.
Yakim - 9/11/2020 - 109.252.126.* - bestchange
Very fastly ! 5 Star !
Ahnafadib - 9/11/2020 - 202.134.14.* - bestchange
Payment accepted, expect funds to be credited
From 45 minute??
Tran T. Hanh - 9/11/2020 - 113.166.255.* - bestchange
33475 Status
Payment accepted, expect funds to be credited
But still not receiving anything after 1 hour