Exchange Касса

Rate count:
Advanced Cash TS: 39
Perfect Money TS: 2421
Autopaypm - 4/13/2023 - 27.79.159.* - bestchange
Dear Kassa!
I have a transaction exchange PM to USDT about 4000$. It' s make about 3 hour but i still not receive USDT to my wallet. it's processing. Last time, only 10 minutes it's complete.
Pls check for me this Order : ¹1665751051402
Krishna - 3/18/2023 - 106.220.113.* - bestchange
Very good and professional exchanger
Krishna - 10/14/2022 - 49.205.225.* - bestchange
I have been a long term user of kassa exchange services. All i can say is their service is very professional and quick. 5 stars ?
Krishna - 10/14/2022 - 49.205.225.* - bestchange
Very professional exchange service. 5 stars always
Krishna - 10/15/2022 - 49.205.225.* - bestchange
Very effective and reliable exchange service. I have been a long time user of kassa exchange and their speedy, professional exchange service always impressed me. 5 stars for kassa ?
Saad Yousafzai - 10/7/2022 - 76.17.108.* - bestchange
Great customer service. Helped resolve issue in exchanging Litecoin to BNB. Would use again. A+
Uday - 9/23/2022 - 94.47.150.* - bestchange
Receiveed my payment (TRX) in just a few minutes Thanks
Amir - 9/16/2022 - 109.252.82.* - bestchange
I tried to buy so asset with my debit card, unfortunately it was not processed, I tried 3 times, and it failed, contacted support, no help
Vishal Sharma - 9/2/2022 - 183.87.41.* - bestchange
What a great exchange fast and excellent services and best care services support best exchange for me
Mahir - 6/16/2022 - 103.127.3.* - bestchange
Very supportive and easiest service.Thanks all