Exchange Lionex

Rate count:
Advanced Cash TS: 0
Perfect Money TS: 512
Allie - 2/15/2023 - 5.45.92.* - bestchange
Money came in an hour, the site is well made, different options, quick support.
They don't show the receiver's fees though Paypal takes some percentage so I got around 5 euros less than what I expected. understandable although I wish they would calculate the final amount... but the exchange rates are ok!
Norm - 9/10/2022 - 109.250.181.* - bestchange
Order from 5th of September was paid in BTC to receive PayPal EUR. After 5 Days still nothing received even tho it says "Order Paid" on their site. No answer from support. Cant recommend.
Marcus Blahevich - 9/10/2022 - 95.216.15.* - bestchange
I sent bitcoin but I did not receive my PayPal money! all BTC transactions completed 5 hours ago, but no answer from support! what going on?
User - 9/9/2022 - 62.85.94.* - bestchange
Tried to exchange BCH -> SEPA, after 20 hours lionex provided information like "Account seems to be blocked" without any details which I needed to provide in my bank.
After one more unsuccessful attempt I got refund in BCH minus fees, so I lost about 3%.
I do not recommend this exchanger since when they can't do transfer, they won't give you any details for investigation, but will take money for that :(
Rocky Thantada ThanUthid - 9/10/2022 - 171.5.65.* - bestchange
Thanks, Lionex I hesitated for a long time but decided. Finally, I got what I want in just 10-20 minutes. Thanks again. And when a lot of people use it, hope that the performance will still be good
User - 9/10/2022 - 109.41.65.* - bestchange
Exchanged Crypto>SEPA EUR and had a question beforehand. Not only did I get an email reply within minutes, but also the whole trade was finished AND the money arrived in my bank account within a couple of hours!
Highly recommend this Service!
Sebastian - 9/10/2022 - 198.16.66.* - bestchange
Etherium to Netherland Bank via sepa, 10 minutes, awesome!!
Ahmad - 9/10/2022 - 5.245.231.* - bestchange
I made exchange from prefect money to Payeer
I get my money with 17 mins with good rate
Albert - 9/10/2022 - 79.179.180.* - bestchange
Great service, highly recommended!
Hunter - 9/10/2022 - 46.142.193.* - bestchange
I changed my BTC to PayPal USD yestarday.But the transaction was rejected.But I haven't got my btc back and how long shall I wate is unknown.I think I lost my bts.